The economic and regulatory outlook facing financial institutions remains among the most challenging in the history of banking. Volatile asset quality, disagreeable yield curves, regulatory landmines and sharply dampened sources for generating fee income are resulting in the need for banks and credit unions to finally get their arms around wealth management.
For many institutions, wealth management is simply not a core competency. Executive management struggles to discern the nuances associated with operating brokerage, trust, investment management and insurance enterprises.
And those executives responsible for operating wealth businesses often find themselves in the unenviable position of trying to explain and justify the difference between banking and wealth management to their bosses, boards and counterparts.
Isn’t it time to optimize results in this area and put the hand-wringing and dysfunction experienced by so many wealth units behind you?
Organizational blind spots can be debilitating over time. How do you know what you don’t know and how will you find out?
That’s where KaneCarlton comes in. Let us give it to you straight. We will help you understand how you compare to your peers not only in performance but also in recognizing those critical capability gaps that may be constraining true success.